How to Watermark Images?
With Free JPG PNG TIF BMP Converter, the plagiary will not bother you anymore. You can add watermark like your own logo to images with adjustable position and transparency, making it impossible to take the images for unauthorized use when sharing, posting or emailing them.
Click "Add File(s)" or "Add Folder"
to import the images or the folder containing the images you
want to process. You can also drag them to
or copy and paste them to the file queue. After
you input the images, you can see some details of the images
like filename, location, size date created & date
modified. If you click on a image listed, you can
preview it on the right with more info like
file type, dimensions & color mode.
Click "Effects" and in the "Watermark
Image" tab, check "Add Watermark".
Click the button on the right of "Watermark
Image" column to insert the image
you want to use as watermark. In the "Position"
menu, you can choose the preset position of
watermark like bottom right, top left, center, etc.;
it also allows you to drag the image or enter
the relative X-Y offset values to change the
position. There is a transparency control slider
ranging from 0 to 255 to adjust transparency.
By clicking "Preview", you can preview the
image in the popup previewer which has 2 windows. The
left window shows the original image
while the right window shows the
watermarked resulting image you will get. You
can freely use the buttons at the bottom to zoom in/out,
fit on window, or view them in actual pixels. You can
also click left mouse button/scroll the mouse wheel down to
zoom in or do the opposite to zoom out. When you drag the image
in the left or right window, the image in the other will also
moves so that you can see same region of both images.
If you are satisfied with what you will get, click "Close"
and then click "OK".
Click "Browse..." and you can choose the
output folder. By default, the output folder
is the same as the source folder. In the
"Output Format" menu, you can choose the image
format you want and click "Encoder Settings..."
to adjust compression, quality, color mode, etc.
of the format you choose. When you have finished all settings,
click "Convert" to start conversion. You can
see a "Status" window showing the conversion
info of the image being processed and the overall progress
bar. When the conversion is complete, you can click
"Open output folder" in the prompted window
to directly find the resulting images.
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